The trick to knowing which old tweet to delete
It may be a daunting task to go over all your old tweets and decide which ones are worth keeping and which ones should be deleted. We get you! Maintaining a tidy and organized desk at the office or home is already quite difficult. That’s why we think It’s useful to know a tip that will help you clear your old tweets very quickly.
This tip is from Marie Kondo, an expert organizer and author of several books on the subject. But first, If you haven’t heard of Marie Kondo, we help you catch up with her philosophy. One of her organizing rules is to keep only those things in your life that spark joy. Now once you’ve downloaded Twitter Archive Eraser to delete your tweets, we will show you how to apply that same logic to your Twitter feed and start over with a clean profile.
Each tweet should spark joy
It can be tricky to go through old tweets and clearly see the difference between an embarrassing tweet and an outdated tweet, the one that’s totally useless and the one that just doesn’t deserve to be seen.
If you’re stuck thinking too much about your tweets and are undecided whether to keep or get rid of an old tweet, do it Marie Kondo style and ask yourself if it brings joy to your life in the sense that it seems authentic enough to deserve to be kept on Twitter.
If the answer to the question is yes, you might want to keep it because it may be a solid opinion, a fun fact, an important event, sentimental information, or simply valuable content for the future.
On the other hand, if the answer is no, the tweet could be something insensitive, false information, a tweet with typos (it happens to the best of us), or a duplicate tweet. In this case, Twitter Archive Eraser can help you get rid of those tweets.

Either way, only you know which tweets will remain in your feed because they still resonate with YOU and your audience.
You are now ready to delete your old tweets!
Once you have decided to delete old tweets from your Twitter account, download the application for Windows or Mac. Once you have the application up and running, sign up with the username of the Twitter account whose tweets you want to delete (make sure the name is spelled correctly).
- Once you have safely logged in on the Twitter site directly via OAuth, you can process your Twitter archive in seconds, regardless of the size of your archive.
- Once your archive is processed, you can select tweets by date (year and month) going back several years. All tweets are now yours, feel free to say no if you don’t want to keep them by simply pressing the blue square button.
- At this point, you can also search for tweets by keywords or user mentions, filter them and select the tweets you want to delete. This way, you can’t miss old tweets that are useless and undesired. Isn’t that great?
It’s important to pay attention to the tweets you keep on Twitter and you can make it part of your social media routine to check twice a year that your Twitter feed is bringing joy. If not, Twitter Archive Eraser is the tool to use to delete tweets that don’t fit with your goals and what you hope to achieve personally or professionally.